Our Business and IT courses are designed for students who are interested in careers or further study in these areas. They are suitable for students who are looking for academic challenge and the opportunity to learn practical real-life skills.
Studying Business provides students with a solid understanding of the business world and teaches you both to develop theory and to apply practical skills. Our courses also provide the opportunity to build links with companies, giving you the additional skills needed to progress to the next level or secure employment.
Key topics include finance, change management, marketing strategy and project management. We work with partner organisations including the BFI and Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
This is an ideal qualification for learners who are intending to progress to university, to employment or to a business apprenticeship.
The Information Technology course gives learners an insight into IT and cybersecurity. The course pathways provide students with practical and project-based opportunities to develop knowledge and skills in areas such as infrastructure, application development and data analysis.
Students investigate the pace of technological change,
IT infrastructure on a global scale, and the importance of legal and security considerations.
Key topics includes cyber security, internet of everything, software and hardware, plus project-based opportunities on mobile technology, tech support and networks