Key Stage 4
All students in Years 10 and 11 must wear full school uniform. This consists of:
Either A plain black knee-length skirt or trousers (not jeans or leggings) and a plain white shirt with collar and a Mulberry UTC tie or a plain black salwar kameez
- A plain black blazer with purple school logo on the pocket
- A grey school cardigan or v neck school jumper (optional)
- Plain black, white or grey ankle socks or black tights
- Plain, black, sensible, safe flat shoes (not plimsolls, trainers, sandals, high heels or leisure shoes)
- Mulberry UTC lanyard (provided by the school)
- A dark-coloured, practical, warm and rain-proof coat for outdoor use
- A sensible bag, large enough to carry an A4 folder safely to and from school
A blazer must be worn at all times unless permission is given by a teacher to remove it. Uniforms are available to be bought from one of the school’s uniform suppliers or can be purchased at low cost from a range of other shops including supermarkets.
Coats, jackets, hats and scarves must be removed before students enter the UTC building.
If students wish to wear a headscarf (hijab) this must be plain black with no fringe or tassels and must be worn appropriately.
Long hair must be tied back at all times.
If earrings are worn, they must be one pair of flat studs only.
Make-up and nail varnish are not permissible.
Bespoke school uniform items (blazers and tie) can be obtained from Ocean Designs Schoolwear or Khalsa Schoolwear at the addresses below. All other uniform items can be obtained from other suppliers of your choice.
Ocean Designs Schoolwear
10 Watney Market
E1 2PR
Tel: 020 7702 8881
Khalsa Schoolwear
388 Bethnal Green Road
E2 0AH
Tel: 020 7729 3286
Sports kit for PE and dance:
- Plain coloured jogging bottoms or tracksuit bottoms
- Plain sweatshirt (optional)
- Plain t-shirt or polo shirt
- Supportive and safe trainers, with grip soles – NOT plimsolls
- Plain shorts (optional)
For health and safety reasons, no jewellery or headscarves may be worn in PE and dance.
A specialised sports hijab may be worn in lessons for most activities, which must conform to the school’s policy and is available from the school. Students may also wear a swim-hood for swimming.

Sixth Form dress code
All students in the Sixth Form at Mulberry UTC must wear appropriate professional clothes. This dress code sets the tone for the rest of the school in terms of appearance: Year 12 and 13 students’ dress should be smart and appropriate to their position as role models for younger students.
Sixth Form students are given a degree of choice about their clothing but must adhere to this dress code and to the principles of modesty, practicality, equity and health and safety. If a member of UTC staff deems an item of clothing unsuitable or inappropriate, they will ask the student to remove and/or adjust it. If any difference of opinion arises in relation to Sixth Form dress code, this will be referred to the Principal or a member of the Senior Leadership Team, whose decision will be final.
Acceptable items of clothing for Sixth Form students are:
- Trousers (not jeans or jogging bottoms)
- Skirts (see below)
- Dresses (see below)
- Jumpers, sweaters with small logos only (no hoodies)
- T-shirts with small logos only
- Salwar Kameez
- Mulberry UTC lanyard (provided by the school)
- Completely black trainers or black formal shoes
- A sensible bag, large enough to carry an A4 folder safely to and from school
Skirts and trousers must be of appropriate material and must not cling to the body. Mini-skirts, shorts, leggings, jeans and skin-tight trousers are not permitted. Dresses, shirts and blouses must also be of appropriate material. They must not cling to the body or be transparent or revealing. Midriffs must not be shown. If a shirt or blouse is worn without a tie, t-shirts or vest tops must not be visible.
If Sixth Form students wish to wear a headscarf (hijab) this must be plain with no fringe or tassels and must be worn appropriately. If worn, the hijab must be worn pinned securely and in a formal way; it may not be worn as a fashion accessory or shawl. Students may wear the hijab to cover their hair and shoulders at all times, except during PE, dance and other activities where this would present a danger.
Clothing that is not permitted: Low neckline tops, cropped tops, ripped clothing, jogging bottoms, hoodies
Coats, jackets, hats and scarves must be removed before students enter the UTC building.
Technical uniform
For Health Science students:
- A white lab coat and goggles, provided by the school
For Creative Industries students:
- UTC sweatshirt or hoodie, black t-shirt and black trousers
Coats, jackets, hats and scarves must be removed before students enter the UTC building.
If sixth form students wish to wear a headscarf (hijab) this must be plain with no fringe or tassels and must be worn appropriately.
Long hair must be tied back during practical activities for health and safety reasons.
The niqab and the burkha are not part of school uniform and are not to be worn by any students including those in the sixth form. Students may choose to wear them in their daily journey to or from school, as it is accepted they may wish to exercise this personal choice when not engaged in school activities, but must take them off before entering school premises.
Other types of jewellery and clothing are not allowed, for example: baseball caps, hooded tops, long flowing garments, leggings, burkas, jilbab, sportswear (other than in P.E. and dance lessons), leather or denim jackets.
Sports kit for PE and dance:
- Plain coloured jogging bottoms or tracksuit bottoms
- Plain sweatshirt (optional)
- Plain t-shirt or polo shirt
- Supportive and safe trainers, with grip soles – NOT plimsolls
- Plain shorts (optional)
For health and safety reasons, no jewellery or headscarves may be worn in PE and dance.
A specialised sports hijab may be worn in lessons for most activities, which must conform to the school’s policy and is available from the school. Students may also wear a swim-hood for swimming.