Examination results

Please note that the following examination results are for academic year 2022/2023. Updated performance information will be published when available on the DfE website.


Key Stage 4 (KS4) Level 2 technical courses and GCSEs

The UTC has once again demonstrated excellence in its specialisms, with both Heath and Social Care and Performing Arts courses performing well.

Examination results 2023: KS4

% pupils achieving 4 or above in English 77%
% pupils achieving 4 or above in Maths 59%
% pupils achieving 5 or above in English and Maths 41%
P8 (from KS2 data) Mulberry UTC does not use Progress 8 as a valid measure of performance in line with the DfE performance tables and other UTCs nationally
A8 39.63

Post 16 Destinations

As well as remaining at Mulberry UTC Sixth Form, students also left the school last year went on to continue their education in a wide variety of colleges, sixth forms and education settings including New City College, Hackney and Redbridge, Mulberry UTC, Newvic, City & Islington College, Southgate College, St Bonaventure Sixth Form, London Academy of Excellence, Tottenham, BSix Sixth Form College, and Waltham Forest College.

The Department for Education published performance tables at KS4 and KS5 can be found here.

In summer 2023, Key Stage 5 (KS5) students sat exams in one-year Level 2 courses, two-year Level 3 technical courses and A-level courses.

Examination results 2023: Key Stage 5

Progress in A’ levels compared to the national 0.78
Average A-level grade C
Average vocational grade Merit+
Average Vocational grade in subjects Performing Arts – Distinction

Business – Distinction

Creative Media – Distinction

Applied Science – Merit+

Health and Social Care Diploma – Merit

Health and Social Care Extended Diploma – Merit+

Student retention 93.7%

Sixth Form Destinations

The Students who left our Sixth Form last year went on to continue their education, employment or training in a wide variety of universities, apprenticeships and employers. 81.82% of students were placed at a university, and 79.69% of those placed at university secured first choice places. Apprenticeships include: Digital Internship with Reconnect London, Morgan Stanley, Ipsos Mori, and a number of Nursery providers.

Click here to view Mulberry UTC’s Sixth Form destinations which can be found in the Trust’s Going Places publication.

The 2023 School Performance Tables note that 83% of Sixth Form Leavers sustained a destination in employment, education or training. This is 4% above the local authority average.


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