Our offer
An adult learning environment
MUTC is a bridge between education and industry. As part of their preparation, we want students to understand the professional environment that they are soon to graduate into. Our campus-style learning environment has a professional ethos that nurtures the attitude and behaviour expected in the workplace.

A broad curriculum
Mulberry UTC is an inclusive school. We value all our students and encourage all learners to strive to achieve their potential. The school is committed to making the principles of the SEND Code of Practice (2015) a reality.
To this end all children and young people are entitled to a fully inclusive education within the curriculum that enables them to make progress so that they achieve their best, become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and make a successful transition into adulthood.
SEND Co-ordinator Sofia Soares SSoares@mulberryschoolstrust.org
Read our full Special Education Needs and Disabilities Information Report and our Accessibility Plan on our policy documents page.
Technical learning from professionals
Every student will take at least one technical qualification in their chosen specialist pathway within the Creative Industries or the Health sector. These qualifications focus on practical and applied learning. This ensures that students learn the industry-specific knowledge and skills which they will need in their future career.
Learning in the workplace
Students will also complete employer-led projects, working alongside prestigious industry partners to solve real-world problems.
If you want to learn more about the pioneering work we’re doing to combine education and industry then please see:

Beyond the classroom
It is important for students to have the chance to have a break from their studies. We provide a wide range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities, including sports activities, so that you can further develop your hobbies and interests and passions.