Pastoral care
We have high expectations for every student. Our pastoral system reflects a strong commitment to supporting students’ personal development, achievements and progress. Our ethos is built upon care, kindness, respect, tolerance and celebration of diversity. All students are expected to follow our behaviour and uniform policy, with a strong emphasis placed on attendance, punctuality, attitude and participation. Our directors of progress and form tutors work closely with students, parents, teachers and outside agencies to ensure students receive the support, advice, guidance and encouragement they need.
An important feature of the UTC is to enable all students to develop emotional resilience and integrity, both through direct teaching for instance e.g. form time and assemblies and indirectly with every conversation adults have with students throughout the day. For students requiring help in these areas we provide support such as pastoral support and peer mentoring. In addition to referral to the UTC’s counsellor, Behaviour Therapist and CAMHS, and being issued with time-out/tally cards for students and positive reports.
Details about our Inclusion/SEND arrangements can be found here.
Student Wellbeing at Mulberry UTC
If you are worried about your own or someone else’s mental health then please do reach out to your tutor, Head of House or a member of the pastoral team. There are also a range of organisations noted in the helpful document below that you may also look to for some support. They specialise in young people’s mental health and are fully trained to know how to support.
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