On Monday 24th June 2019, students and staff from across the Mulberry Schools Trust were delighted to welcome Dame Donna Kinnair, Chief Executive and General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing to Mulberry UTC
Dame Donna inspired students with stories of her own working life in the east end of London. Having started her career as a nurse in Whitechapel, she went on to work as a health visitor in Tower Hamlets, Newham and Hackney. As part of the visit, Dr Ogden chaired an engaging and riveting Q&A discussion that included UTC sixth form student Zaynab Bint Zakeer, Dame Donna and Winnie George, Associate Director for Nursing at Barts Health NHS Trust. The student audience were able to ask some frank and important questions related to the funding of nursing degrees, why so few senior black and minority ethnic staff are found in senior positions across the NHS and public perceptions related to nursing being seen as a female occupation.
UTC students were also treated to a round table discussion with Dame Donna and Winnie George and they were fascinated by the insight this gave them into the world of nursing and health care.